Jason has written for Macworld for 25 years, and was lead editor for more than a decade. He writes about Apple at Six Colors and podcasts at Relay FM and The Incomparable.
La gran noticia del lunes llegó en forma de los anuncios del Mac, aunque se vieran eclipsados por brillantes productos de futuro y plataformas que no permitirán hacer nada hasta 2024
Apple's Mac announcements on Monday were huge news, despite being overshadowed by shiny future products and platforms that won't let anyone do anything until 2024.
Apple's March quarter was a bit like a movie with bad word of mouth, but then you actually see it, and you think it wasn't that bad. In fact, maybe it was… good?
Apple reemplazará el clásico interruptor de silencio/ vibración, presente en toda la generación de iPhones, por uno háptico. ¿Qué permitirá hacer este botón?